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Youth Services


Safe Teens Acting Responsibly (STAR) our adolescent pregnancy prevention program provides comprehensive sexuality health education to hundreds of youth annually; ages 14-21 in North/ Central Brooklyn and parts of North Queens. STAR utilizes culturally relevant evidence based programming, Be Proud Be Responsible and Cuidate’ to educate young people on topics of pregnancy and HIV prevention. STAR provides parents/caregivers, youth service providers and school staff with sexual health information and communication techniques to provide accurate information to the youth in their lives. STAR increases access to family planning through referrals to youth-friendly reproductive health services. Diaspora incorporates positive youth development to promote an optimal transition adolescent through developmental milestones into a healthy young adulthood. Our positive youth development model utilizes workshops, educational, recreational, vocational, and community activities for youth that will improve self esteem and goal setting, develop leadership skills, and promote healthy relationships.
We work with our peer educators as partners in reaching and promoting safe sex among young people and enhancing the community’s knowledge of adolescent pregnancy prevention, STDs, HIV/AID prevention. STAR’s Texting Service at 347-469-2030 and 347-469-2353 provides youth the opportunity to ask questions and get referrals anonymously. Spanish and Kreyol speaking staff can provide translation services and information for teens.

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Referrals, inquires, interest in being on our Community Advisory Council, or to arrange workshops for your adolescents or parent group: Contact
Leronda Sharpes,  Program Coordinator, (718) 399-0200 ext 230

Mother's Gaining Hope

Diaspora’s Mother's Gaining Hope (MGH) is a maternal group home/transitional living program for pregnant and parenting teens ages 18-21 that are deemed runaway or homeless youth. The home is located in East Flatbush, Brooklyn where these young families are surrounded by caring adults and supported by their peers on the road to success.

During their stay in the home, the young mothers are provided with a supervised and supportive environment to continue working toward self-reliance, long term economic independence, development of healthy parenting skills and eventually the acquisition of permanent housing. The primary goal of the program is to move the young mothers towards independent living after 12 months of living in our Mother's Gaining Hope program by teaching them how to live in the community as self-sufficient adults.

Our ultimate goal is to empower the young teen mothers to become self-sufficient, attend school and/or job training and/or secure employment during their stay at the group home. While at at the Maternal Group Home, Diaspora staff will focus their efforts on training teens clients to learn positive (strength-based) parenting skills, optimal prenatal care and postnatal care, family budgeting, health and nutrition, basic life skills and other skills to promote their long-term economic independence to ensure their child's future well-being.

Referrals, donations and inquires: Salena Mullen Program Manager, (718) 399-0200


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© Copyright Diaspora Community Services 2010. All Rights Reserved.

182 Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11217 Telephone: (718) 399.0200 Fax: (718) 399.0360

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