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1981 The Haitian Women’s Program (“HWP”) is formed in response to the wave of refugees fleeing their homeland. HWP’s mission is to help them adapt to life in the U.S.

1988 HWP develops a half hour film in Creole with English subtitles entitled: Set Met Ko. The film was selected by the World Health Organization to be distributed worldwide.
HWP expands to include persons of any race, sex, culture, that are in need of their services.

1991 HWP becomes independent as an incorporated program, receiving its 501c (3) status as a non-profit organization.

1993 HWP is one of the pioneering agencies to respond to the refugee crisis caused by the flow of immigrants from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

2002 HWP implements the Health Education Leadership Program to promote leadership roles and expose minority youth to health careers.

2004 DCS adds the Women’s Empowerment Program (WEP) which ensures access to the educational, basic skills and resources that foster self-sufficiency and productivity. WEP is operated out of their new Caledonian Health Center location.

2005 The Haitian Women’s Program officially changes their name to Diaspora Community Services (DCS) to reflect the growing population it serves.

2006 Diaspora adds 3 new programs: Older Adults, Community Based Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention and Supportive Services Family Stabilization.

2007 Diaspora adds the Haitian American Empowerment Project, and Healthy Families New York as well as opens the Centre Medico Social in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti.

2009 Diaspora is awarded the Women's Supportive Services Program to work on counseling with HIV positive women and their families.
Diaspora adds the program Maternal Group Homes.

2010 Diaspora responds to the tragic earthquake in Haiti, ensuring medical and educational services continue at the Centre Medico Social de Port Au Prince. DCS launches the Haitian American Empowerment Program again in April in response to the overwhelming needs of the Haitian community in Brooklyn.​

© Copyright Diaspora Community Services 2010. All Rights Reserved.

182 Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11217 Telephone: (718) 399.0200 Fax: (718) 399.0360

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